IEEIT is a creative enterprise and education institute that uses a different and effective methodology for training & teaching. We provide training as per industries requirements. People trained from IEEIT have best chances of selection in Job Interview with reputed organizations. Skills obtained from IEEIT by Trainees are industry preferred which provides them Promotions and Recognition in their fields. The institute is the brainchild of a team of highly qualified professionals, having over 30 years of experience in the field of designing and project management in India and abroad.
We have a team of highly qualified and dedicated faculty, trained to provide the best education in the field of Design, Engineering, Architecture and Allied Technical fields. We have a world-class infrastructure for Training. IEET covers the entire gamut of Skill Education, Trainings and Project engineering services from inception to project commissioning & turnkey design. Our scope of services cover: 1.Behavioural Skills Training 2.Website designing and Digital Marketing 3.Engineering & Technical Skills Training 4.Planning and Engineering Services
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